Community Projects
Here you'll find code samples, applications, and wrappers contributed by the community for a variety of popular languages to help developers integrate quickly and easily with the EVRYTHNG API. If you know of any projects that fit this category and aren't listed here, let us know.
A community project maintained by EVRYTHNG, the evrythng-cli npm package allows a simplified command line interface to the EVRYTHNG API for testing and scripting purposes, including many helper features, credential management, and an extensible plugin API.
For example, to create a Thng: evrythng thngs create '{"name": "Test Thng"}'
evrythng-scala-sdk is a Scala wrapper around the EVRYTHNG REST API. It includes ready-to-use adapters for Apache HttpComponents and the Play Framework WS API, as well as some examples to get started. Thanks to @jeanadrien for this contribution for Scala developers.
EVRYTHNG.Net is a very nice C# .Net wrapper for the EVRYTHNG API. Thanks to @tkyoder for leading the project. Contributors are welcome.
EVRYTHNG-PHP is a simple wrapper for the EVRYTHNG Platform written by our head of research and development during his spare time. It features most of the requests available in our platform API so that you can quickly connect your PHP web applications to our Platform. It uses the cURL PHP module which you'll need to install. Also, the code offers a basic example for how you could use our wrapper as a server-side proxy to make REST requests from a client application using jQuery, so you can still write JS-only application without having to worry about disclosing your API key or about cross-site scripting limitations.
ArduinoEVRYTHNG is a set of simple examples of how to build an Arduino application that uses the official Ethernet shield to communicate with the EVRYTHNG API. Thanks to @StevenD1974 for this contribution.
Node-RED is a great mashup tool well suited for building Internet of Things and Web of Things prototypes. The EVRYTHNG Node-RED integration let's you add some of the functionality of the EVRYTHNG API as Node-RED modules.
python-evrythng is a pythonic wrapper around the EVRYTHNG REST API created by Gooee. Basic functionality is supported, with more to be added as development advances.
Web of Things
The Web of Things Github page is our experimentation playground where you'll find code examples. Use it at your own risk.
If you have a project using EVRYTHNG, contact us to publish it here.
Updated about 2 years ago